Course curriculum

  • 01

    Chapter 1: Tables

    • Spry Navigation

    • Introduction to Data 1: Tables

    • Concepts: What is Data?

    • Concepts Quiz: Constants

    • Practical: Creating a Table

    • Practical Quiz: Table Names

    • Coursework: Create a Table

  • 02

    Chapter 2: Levels & Positions

    • Introduction to Data 2: Levels & Positions

    • Concepts: What are Levels & Positions?

    • Concepts Quiz: Nodes & Leaves

    • Practical: Creating Levels & Positions

    • Practical Quiz: Adding Positions and Sorting

    • Coursework: Set up your Level structure

    • Coursework Quiz: Level Indices

    • Optional Download: Alternative Level and Positions model

  • 03

    Chapter 3: Fields

    • Optional Downloads: Catchup and food labels

    • Introduction to Data 3: Fields

    • Concepts: Data Types and Fields

    • Concepts Quiz: How do Fields work?

    • Practical: Creating Fields and Formatting

    • Practical Quiz: Field names

    • Coursework: Create Fields in your Table

    • Coursework Quiz: Aggregation

  • 04

    Chapter 4: Importing Data

    • Optional Downloads

    • Introduction to Data 4: Importing Data from CSV/XLSX

    • Concepts: Import requirements

    • Concepts Quiz: Minimum effort and mapping

    • Practical: Importing Data from CSV/XLSX

    • Practical Quiz: Duplicate Nodes

    • Practical: Importing Data from Deswik

    • Coursework: Required Downloads

    • Coursework Quiz: Import Data into your Table

  • 05

    Chapter 5: Table View

    • Catch-up Model

    • Introduction to Data 5: Table View

    • Concepts: Table View

    • Concepts Quiz: Unlock

    • Practical: Various Table View functions

    • Practical Quiz: Visual properties of Fields

    • Coursework Quiz: Changing format strings

  • 06

    Chapter 6: Picked Ranges

    • Catch-up Model

    • Introduction to Data 6: Picked Ranges

    • Concepts: What is a Range?

    • Concepts Quiz: What's included in a Range?

    • Practical: Creating a Picked Range

    • Practical Quiz: Picked Range basics

    • Coursework: Import some new values into your Table first

    • Coursework Quiz: Use Ranges to check new values

  • 07

    Chapter 7: Text Ranges

    • Catch-up Model

    • Introduction to Data 7: Text Ranges

    • Concepts: Text Range Syntax

    • Concepts Quiz: How to use Text Ranges?

    • Practical: Creating a Text Range

    • Practical Quiz: Text Range options

    • Coursework Quiz: Use Text Ranges to solve problems

  • 08

    Chapter 8: The Expression Editor

    • Catch-up Model

    • Introduction to Data 8: Expression Editor

    • Concepts: Expression Editor basics

    • Concepts Quiz: Test your Expression Editor basics knowledge

    • Coursework Quiz: Use an Expression Filter to solve a problem

  • 09

    Chapter 9: Exporting Data

    • Catch-up Model

    • Introducation to Data 9: Exporting Data

    • Concepts: Data vs Structure Exporting

    • Concepts Quiz: Exported Data properties

    • Practical: How to export Data

    • Practical Quiz: Export options

    • Coursework Quiz: Export your Data and confirm your options

  • 10

    Chapter 10: Table Plots

    • Catch-up Model

    • Introduction to Data 10: Table Plots

    • Concepts: Plotting polygons and grouping

    • Concepts Quiz: Table Plot setup

    • Practical: Generating plotting polygons and setting up a Table Plot

    • Practical Quiz: Preparation for "Generate Plotting Polygons"

    • Coursework: Data extents

    • Coursework Quiz: Create your first Table Plot

  • 11

    Chapter 11: Other Tools

    • Catch-Up Model

    • Centroid Calculator

    • Solid Advance Direction

  • 12

    Chapter 12 (Minescape, Optional)

    • Required Downloads

  • 13

    Chapter 13 (Minex, Optional)

    • Practical: Exporting Data from Minex

    • Required Downloads